Monday 5 September 2011

Welcome back!

So, the new academic year 2011-2012 is about to begin. It's a very significant year for the school, with 22nd September being the 25th anniversary of when the school was first opened. We've come a long way since then and we are hoping to celebrate this milestone throughout this year.

A few things to mention right at the start of the year:

1. If you have sponsor money from the Sports Day Sponsored Walk, please hand this in as soon as possible. We would love to be able to announce exactly how much we raised last year, but need to have all this money collected in before we can add up the totals!

2. The FBCS AGM will be held in school on Monday 19th September at 7.30 p.m. This is always a great opportunity to review the past year and look forward to what lies ahead, so we hope as many parents and friends as possible will come along to this.

3. I hate to have to say this, but there are apparently only 110 days to go until Christmas 2011. We want to have the most amazing personalised Christmas cards you can imagine, and so we will be running a Christmas Card competition in school. However, alongside the competition, all pupils will be offered the chance to have THEIR design turned into a professional card which can be bought in packs of 12. You're free to order as many packs as you want (making savings the more you buy!) and each card will have your child's name on the back. Cards and payment must be received in school by Friday 7th October to guarantee delivery of all designs by 3rd November, giving you ample time to sort out your Christmas lists! This is a great way to support your child's artwork and raise funds for the school at the same time. More information to follow shortly.

4. A 25th anniversary celebration evening will be held on Saturday 1st October from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. Find out all you need to know about 1986 and have a great time reminiscing!

5. Anniverary mugs are still for sale, costing £5 each.

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